So it is with this in mind that I fulfilled my Bastille Day promise this past weekend and did my patriotic duty and watched "Live Free or Die Hard". Expectations were low, considering that Bruce Willis is 78 years old and owns a Rascal, plus the fact that they toned the violence and language down to receive a PG-13 rating put a damper on my enthusiasm. Consider my surprise then that I found that the movie was great fun, keeping me less-than-riveted-but-very-much-engaged-with-the-proceedings (as-they-unfolded-on-the-very-large-screen (even if a lot of it revolved around typing really fast!!!)).
I realized that I had underestimated the role that dark humor had in the series, but now looking back I should have realized that they would continue the tradition of Gruber and Zeus. Though some may tire of his schtick, I still enjoy what Justin Long (he of Dodgeball and Mac V. PC fame) brought to the table as relentless geek, even if he sported the worst facial hair seen since this guy:

Plus, it doesn't hurt to have a cameo from Kevin Smith.
Speaking of facial hair, I'm going to do the stereotypical blog thing and reveal something absolutely pointless and personal. I recently switched razors, going from the Mach 3 Turbo that I had begun with to the snazzy/scary Fusion. I swear that the first time I used that razor that I had the fear of God in me as I watched this giant blade about as big as my fist come at my face.

I've gotten used to it at this point, but I have to say I can't really tell much of a difference in its performance. And if you think I mention all this just so I can link to this brilliant Onion article, then you know me too well (Note: this article was written many months before it actually happened). Seriously, we're going to have to discuss restraining orders at this point.
1 comment:
Great photos. Who's more manly than us? NO ONE!
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