This has been a point of contention with me for years. I am fine with MTV as it is existing as a channel, if only they decided to rename the channel to what it truly is: The Rich Dumbass Hot Teens Fucking Channel (though it may be slightly modified to make it less unwieldy--perhaps the "rich" is unnecessary). MTV of course is not alone in its metamorphosis from its original mission--there is no more egregious example of this than The Learning Channel, which has become just "Remodel My Leavittown Home" and "I Had a 300 Lb. Face Tumor" on constant loop. But it's time for MTV to own up to the fact that they've moved so far beyond its original purpose that the only place you'll find music is in the background as Rich Teen 1 contemplates for a few seconds whether or not to bonk Rich Teen 2.

Unlike WDR faves the Dead Kennedys, we are not against MTV on principle. We appreciate the attempts to introduce several artists into the mainstream--I remember 1996-1997 being an especially rich time for the original channel, and when MTV2 took the place of the original as the go-to-place for actual music, I came to be a fan of such bands as ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead and Bloc Party. But they crapped out on their original mission, and it's high time that they come to terms with this.
We just hope that MTV resolves its identity crisis, one way or the other. If it fails to do so, I think we have no choice but to sue Viacom for false advertising. That, and for introducing Fall Out Boy to the world. These are crimes worthy of prosecution.
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