We here at WDR have known each other for many years now. As such, we've come to learn random things about each other. Mr. Zhuang is passionate not only of Led Zeppelin, but of miniature hot dogs, and my love of hobo weaponry has been established many times over the years. Joe Reefer also has his personal quirks, though none of them involve drawing. When it comes to women, though, it has been established that Joe has a fondness for a particular female attribute.
Breasteses. Tits. Juggs. Gazongas. Yabows. And various other childish names that you could throw out there. Joe enjoys 'em. Whatever you call them, they're never far from his mind. In fact, to him they are the defining female characteristic. When referring to a woman on television, he'll say "Listen to the boob-lady". In fact, if any female at all comes on screen, boobs are sure to be mentioned, whether it be their prominence or their lack there-of. And of course, there is the case of "BoobSocks", which resulted in me having my Facebook Wall vandalized for days without any explanation. That sure led to some great conversations from some of my friends who were not necessarily "in the know".

And we're fine with Joe's predilections. There's nothing wrong with being a Tits-Man; many successful people have been known for their proclivities in this regard. Einstein, Gen. Patton, and Ralph Macchio are of course extremely well-accomplished and also enjoyed a mighty fine pair. Except that Joe denies his proclivities in this regard. He claims to be an equal-opportunity guy, a Tits AND Ass lover, though in 8 years we had never heard him make mention of a woman's posterior. However, it was extremely comical to hear Joe attempt a defense against a charge that really means nothing. He has exhibited a passion that has been heretofore unforeseen, except for perhaps his mission to spread the word of Lady Terminator. We have all laughed heartily, to say the least.
I'm sorry Joe, we have the statistics to support our case, and all the star witnesses in the world won't help you now. At this point, we would just like Joe to admit once and for all his love for the boobies. And to aid him in this, we present this picture of a woman known worldwide for her, well, voluminous orbs, Miss Lucy Pinder.

Enjoy, Mr. Reefer. And the rest of you too. Remember, we have numbers.
At this point I would just like to remind our viewers that upon Nic Ouzo's questioning my of girlfriend as to my preferences in the female anatomy, I was vindicated in my dual-preference stance. Not that I feel it is really necessary to call in a defense here, but I will say she is somewhat an expert in the field.
I fully stand by my argument that the boobicular objecticals are simply referenced more because they have a much greater frequency for being funny without being disgusting, which is of course the largest downfall of the otherwise very enjoyable ass.
Furthermore, I would like to note that the use of the term "boob-lady" is not to describe just any woman on television, but is instead my phrase for those women obviously employed for the sole purpose of keeping some chesticals on the air.
As Joe Reefer's extremely hot, intelligent, and witty girlfriend, I must say I disagree strongly with this portrayal of the man as a boob-obsessed maniac. Though it may distress Mr. Zhuang and Nic Ouzo to hear it, Joe Reefer is in fact a fan of both tits and ass. Specifically mine, but also in general. At this point I could go into nauseating detail about milestones in our relationship, wherein Joe Reefer painstakingly applied for permission to access both boobs and booty, and permission, to his great and everlasting joy, was granted. However, I will leave the details to next month's edition of Penthouse, and instead say this:
Joe Reefer likes boobages. He also highly appreciates the gluteus maximus muscles of the female portion of the species. However, breasts are generally seen before ass on most women in the world; in accordance with the laws of physics, boobs stick out, jiggle, and bounce, whereas buttocks are often firmly stored within denim cages. Thus breasts are the more obvious target. They are also inherently funnier. I mean, just look at the damn things.
While Nic Ouzo's argument was impassioned and heartfelt, in the end it was fatally flawed. If you would like to see the evidence for yourself, Joe Reefer and I are in the process of procuring a webcam and a domain name, and I believe once things are up and running that that should settle matters once and for all. Thank you.
That was way too much effort for such a retarded subject.
I might have to reprint the continued defense that took place over AIM, because that was funny as well.
But seriously, our side has numbers
Your side may have numbers, but my side actually possesses a pair of most excellent tits and a particularly sweet ass. Not to mention a vagina.
Leave it to someone with firsthand knowledge, dear Nic Ouzo. It's sweet that you try and argue, but numbers don't do anything against actually having tits and ass in possession.
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