I know many of you are tired of hearing about this, and have just sifted through days of insightful Simpsons commentary, discussion, and memorabilia from Mr. Zhuang and I. I'm afraid Nic Ouzo failed to meet his quota and has been disciplined with a temporary ban effective through Sunday, July 30. There is just one last musing I have to make on The Simpsons Movie, and I will make it brief so I may get to the more pressing matters, as well as those topically linked with the title of this post that probably enticed you to read this.
So, for The Simpsons. I cannot really say my piece much more eloquently than Mr. Ouzo did on Friday. Mr. Zhuang and I's posts were simply carrying on the same theme, naturally with some different favorite quotes. For instance, I happen to be a Sea Captain enthusiast, so as you no doubt noticed my posts were punctuated incessantly with "Yars." I also enjoy thrusting in the direction of a quality poke at our education system and health standards... so I'm sure I included "Grade F: Mostly Circus Animal, Some Filler" ... Mr. Zhuang of course has no sense of humor... but as the token person of ethnic-looking persuasion in our group, he has been known to defend his beliefs with a stern "Please do not offer my god a peanut."
Anywho, I still haven't seen the movie yet. I'm not listening to or reading anything about it, because I want it to be a surprise. The pig advertisements have been a little worrisome, but I know that if anyone can pull off a movie somehow centering around a person becoming enamored with a pig, it's The Simpsons. However, my naive hope is that they have retained their episode pseudo-formula where the intro has little or nothing to do with the rest of the episode, and the pig business resides there.
Enough of The Simpsons... On with the show!
I know that our female counterparts out there in the world are always complaining about being held back by a male dominated society. Honestly, I always thought they were just whining, or maybe it was just "that time of the month" ... if you know what I mean... (I mean their vaginas bleed. Seriously, I'm not making this up.) ... However a recent ad I caught sparked a sudden realization about how repressed our women really are. I am sad to report that the more boob-ed of our species are severely behind the times due to our chauvinistic stranglehold on the workplace:

That's right, women have just discovered Cardboard technology! This may come as a shock to many of our male readers, most of whom have been aware of the wonders of cardboard for quite some time. After all, cardboard is one of the staples of modern male existence. Cardboard is the transporter of Hot Pockets, the.... oh hell, let's just admit it... Cardboard tubes were the original method of male enhancement.
Women, on behalf of men everywhere, I would like to apologize for keeping the magic that is cardboard secret for all this time. If I had known that thick, sometimes-corrugated, paper technology was of such great importance to you, I would have made it my personal mission to divulge the secrets of cardboard myself.
On behalf of all men, please accept my apologies, and I beg of you... if there is anything... anything else that has been kept from you women, please let me know. I am always up for giving women something new and exciting to put put in their vaginas.
P.S. I swear I know the guy in this picture, and he is an enormous jackass... In case I'm wrong, I'd like to say the following to the actual guy pictured:
I'm sorry for mistaking you for someone I knew; also, you look like an enormous jackass.

I would just like to say one thing about these ads: It's about time. That's right. I'm glad they've finally made a point of emphasizing the people of America's Oil and Natural Gas Industry. Frankly, I think they should have done it years ago. It was a huge mistake to let the Hideous Blood-Thirsty Spacemonster of America's Oil and Natural Gas Industry hog their advertising spotlight for so many years. So I say to you, low-sulfur truck driver man, kudos to you. Your

Oil is indeed thicker than blood. The US seems to be hemorrhaging both. Maybe we should invest in some cardboard technology of our own to plug up those leaks.
Oh my god! We got our first spam comment!
Aww, our little blog is growing up so fast!
So, you're the one guy in the crew with an actual girlfriend? (Zhuang's regular patron at the massage parlor does not count).
It is company policy to give you the plague.
I don't see why she shouldn't. She says she love me long time...
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