Friday, August 24, 2007

Enough With This Fucking Incense!

Just Spare Me The Suspense

So it's official this week: I am a bum. I really should have stopped in Crackton.

What the hell am I talking about? Well, I had this pipe dream of going to law school. I know, it's crazy...but we'll leave the reasons for it for another time where I tell how I totally got screwed over by the USNews Rankings. The point is that it's official, I've been formally rejected from the school with the initials U-C-L-A. It only took them until the absolute last minute for them to relay this information to me, even after I politely asked for a couple of updates. Speaking of which, I finally got that personal touch--a form letter 5 days late that I should keep them in mind if I think of transferring next year (well, small problem with that...).

So now I'm stuck on a coast that's away from all my friends from college, and in a town that's away from all my high school friends because they're still in school. It's going to be a glorious few months as I seek employment, I'll tell you that much.

Well, moving on...what are we going to do here at WDR while I sob quietly in the corner? We decided that next week will unofficially be dubbed "Perv Week". This is mainly because we've had a lot of posts in our backlog that pretty much run along this theme, so we might as well go out. You'll be hearing about Joe Reefer's turn-ons and the sexual misadventures of Mr. Zhuang from me; Mr. Zhuang will provide something that our homosexual readership will enjoy (just look at the hits we've gotten about Ronnie Coleman!); and Joe Reefer will probably come up with something amazingly hilariously awful, as only the man responsible for the "Involving the Female Vagina" tag can. Plus, we'll cap it off with a sure-to-be controversial (and pretty damn offensive) post on Friday which should provoke engaging intellectual discussion worldwide.

Be prepared for "Perv Week"--at least until we come up with a better name.

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