This is another name for the short story "Apt. Pupil" by Stephen King. It is in a compilation of shorts called "Different Seasons." (This also includes "The Body" which became the film "Stand By Me" and "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption.")
Some may question why I've brought this up on the report, and honestly I'm not sure why either. It isn't a book that I've read recently (that would be "The Rum Diary" by Hunter S. Thompson (Kudos to anyone who knows what the "S" stands for)) nor is it my favorite story/collection of stories. For whatever reason it came into my head as I was looking over the report and I suggest it for summer reading.
As for music, I think it would be wise of reader (who haven't already done so) to throw some Spoon on the turntable and give it a spin. Also, check out Peaches. I haven't heard much of her stuff, but I must say that what I have heard is some good shit. And of course Nine Inch Nails and Pearl Jam are always good choices too.
For people looking for a slightly different musical experience, check out the Cajun band Beausoleil (you should know it isn't pronounced the way it looks, of course). It's fun and French goes well with steamed crawfish. Enjoy.
Apparently the peyote hasn't worn off completely, Mr. Rambly.
And Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga makes for really good summertime music, so good call.
The S stands for Shut Your Pie-Hole, Hippie.
It's an inherited name from Thompson's ethnic roots as an AssorHoleinGround Indian.
Now, I expect my kudos bar.
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