Sunday, February 17, 2008

What does Kenny G have to do with basketball?

And other obeservations

So last night I'm sitting at a bar enjoying a local brew and I see a basketball game on (Pepperdine v. Santa Clara). I'm not really paying a whole lot of attention to the game because, well, there really wasn't any reason to. But at the end, after the win, they do a montage of highlights from the game. It started off normal enough, but then...

"Is that Kenny G?"

And it was.

Why was Kenny G performing at this college basketball game? When did said performance actually occur? Why Kenny G?

These questions could go on for ... minutes.

Thankfully I had beer to put my mind to ease, however temporarily. I never could figure it out, but from the picture included here, Kenny G has some major hops!

OK, on to other things...


That's right, WDR has a new layout and I couldn't be happier. Well, I guess I could be happier but not within reason. The new look is pretty sweet. Thanks to Nic for taking the initiative there!

There was something else I was going to mention, but what was it? I can't recall now, but I'm sure it involved alcohol and Groundhog Day. It'll come back to me.

You may now return from the edge of you seat.


Nic Ouzo said...

Gotta be the shoes.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.