If you know any of the men behind WDR, you would be quite familiar with our various attempts at food experimentation, in all its various forms. In fact, we co-authored a study on the various permutations of "Skittlebräu", where we discovered that Sprite Remix provided the most consistent results, and that if you dropped the Skittles in certain SoBe flavors, you would create the hardest substance this side of a diamond. Not only do we seek interesting combinations, but we are always looking out for the bizarre. If we see something strange, we pick it up--that's how we know of the awesomeness of Ol' Glory Energy Drink (a key ingredient of the "Flag Burner"), or all the 27 varieties of Kit-Kat bars that they've come up with in the past 18 months.
While we pride ourselves in our abilities, we have to tip our hat when others do a better job. The A.V. Club has an excellent running series of "Taste Tests" that provide hilarious reactions to various oddball items that hit the storeshelves. But this week's entry takes the cake: Cheeseburger In A Can. I shit you not. And the consensus was what you'd expect--absolutely delicious.
While you should read the whole entry yourself, I'd also like to point to a link that somebody posted to in the comments: Steve, Don't Eat It! Steve has apparently tried the most terrifying food products imaginable, the kind of things that you gloss over without a second look, or just feed to your dog. Plus, you learn things, like how to make your very own Prison Wine! See, WDR is also about the children--we educate!
In a post-9/11 world, I will drink anything that contains the pledge of allegiance on it... so long as it contains the phrase "Under God".
Not some hippie pledge of allegiance. The real deal. As our founding fathers intended it when they wrote the document, and they did. Trust me on this.
I'm so happy Steve has eaten chrysalis. A certain comrade of mine and I discovered canfuls of the stuff at a local Korean supermarket and were summarily horrified. I would have been truly disappointed had Steve not discovered them. Well done, Steve! You pass the test!
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