Yes, it seems to be official: Castro is no longer El Presidente. Yes, you might have heard it here first.

So what does this mean for U.S.-Cuban relations? How the heck should I know. I think our resident political expert Nic Ouzo will weigh in on this when it seems the right time to do so. As it is, I'm not going to say much of anything because I don't really know.
Let's just hope that now we can get our capitalist hand on some of those primo cigars we've been denied for so long. Sure, I could just get some in Canada, but that's beside the point.
I can certainly weigh in on the repercussions of this action at length, but I can give a short summation. The brother Raul has been the de facto ruler for the past couple of years now, so in that sense there is no difference. US-Cuba policy has long been brain-dead at the executive level, including under both the Clinton and Bush administrations. To continue to deprive the Cuban people of US goods only served to hurt them and provided an easy scapegoat for the regime, and to continue this policy even though it hadn't worked for 40 years was retarded. I don't see this changing as a result of this, at least until after the election in November.
But goddamn, I want a Cuban cigar right now.
Hey, whaddya know? We continue to be retarded about Cuba.
Psht, those in the know could've told you Castro wasn't El Presidente YEARS ago.
Also, he doesn't smoke cigars anymore. Get with the times, Zhuang! None of your racist Oriental logic here!
Just because he doesn't smoke cigars anymore doesn't make them any less desirable. Besides, maybe he stopped smoking them because he was too busy. Now he's got all the time in...his life.
Let the racist Oriental logic prevail! (Shakes fist at the sky)
Calm down there, Ruggy.
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