Monday, October 22, 2007

Banana Bread?!? What The Hell Were You Thinking?!

This is quite an old article, actually, but it has caused quite a firestorm within the WDR community. It's because it cuts to the heart of our friendship, the way we engage with bananas.

For those of you who don't remember, our very namesake is a sexual maneuver (that we devised, since WE ARE THE INNOVATORS) that makes great use of a banana. And really, that's all we're allowed to disclose at this point: that the Wayne Diego involves a banana. This post should give you the general idea.

So what are we talking about, besides utilizing bananas for their non-God-intended purposes? It's peeling a banana like a goddamn monkey! Apparently, some are thumbing their nose at nature (and probably biting their thumb as well--oh my!), and eating their banana by peeling it from the bottom-up. Sheer lunacy! Of course, all this made me want to do is procure a banana as quickly as possible.

This was all before we learned that our own Mr. Zhuang has been eating his bananas this way for years. This peyote-smoking bastard has been thwarting convention for some time now. So now that this revelation has been made public, everyone who meets the Zhuang must now ask him about his banana-eating habits (and no, this is not a metaphor).


Mr. Zhuang said...

It's kind of funny bringing this up, because as a kid I didn't like bananas for some reason. I'm not exactly sure about that one myself, but eventually I came to the side of reason on banana consumption. Anyway, I've always peeled a banana from the bottom, because it's THE RIGHT WAY. (Ever see in those cartoons with the banana peel? The stem is always on the TOP!)

"Banana is one of those words I never know how to spell. 'Bana.' No, that's to short. 'Bananana.' Damn it!"

Joe Reefer said...

I just wanted to point out that after exhaustive study (literally, over 50 bananas) it was concluded that peeling from the bottom is indeed superior.

I was amazed.

Anonymous said...

Yes if the truth be known, in some moments I can reveal that I approve of with you, but you may be making allowance for other options.
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