If you came by the site yesterday, you may have noticed that we posted nothing new, and you may have asked yourself "Why could this be? What have I done to anger the Gods of WDR that I cannot receive new reading material that provides a three-minute diversion from the daily drudgery of life?". To this we respond: First, we don't appreciate drama queens here, and Second, we were merely doing the same thing that every red-blooded American patriot should have been doing, and that's celebrating Columbus Day.
When it comes to celebrating holidays that mark the beginning of unbelievable genocide AND mean also great savings on flowery bedspreads, the WDR crew is first in line to celebrate. You could not believe the parties we've had on Tojo Day. We also embrace the awkward around here, and a holiday in which we simultaneously embrace the Pure Kickass-edness of America (Fuck Yeah) and slowly come to grips with our murderous past is right up our alley. If we had an alley. We're not really that urbanized around here at WDR Headquarters.
So what did we do on our day off, besides the usual drunken shenanigans? Well, Mr. Zhuang took advantage of Incredible Deals (!) and went to the local industrial/mall complex to visit ze Bed, Bath & Beyond and got his hand on a bitchin' set of towels. You're goddamn motherfuckin' right that he got that Egyptian Cotton! And Joe Reefer hitched a ride to LAX, where he personally welcomed dozens of women into the New World. And Joe does not know the meaning of the word "no", regardless of language. And I spent my afternoon looking for Awesome Mushrooms for a pizza I'm making tonight. Because it's not enough for me to watch Lost, I have to actually experience it.

And then we all drank until we passed out. Because that is the true meaning of Columbus Day.
I personally welcomed dozens of women into the New World, and all I got was this lousy shirt.
...and chlamydia.
...actually, just chlamydia.
I was going to say, "Unless they make a t-shirt for chlamydia, I doubt your story." But now, it all makes sense...
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