Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Alcohol: It's what you're drinking

A few recipes from the WDR crew for your Halloween party (or any other for that matter)

It's a well-known fact that the WDR crew is a fan of booze. The sauce. Strong drink. Firewater. So it should come as no surprise when I say that we have quite a few recipes for our imbibing pleasure. We all know The Devil's Balls is the "breakfast FOR champions," but what what about the late-night drinks?

Well, here they are:

The Red Swede

This is a rather mysterious drink characterized by it's not actually having a fixed recipe. Instead, this drink must follow these guidelines: It must be red, it must have a cherry in it, it must be delicious, and it must cost less than $5. Beyond that, it could really be anything. I made one last week with a mix of grenadine, rum, vodka and some Sprite. It was a bit too sweet, but a friend told me it tasted like "Swedish Fish." I can only assume this is true. I suggest trying to order it at a bar and see what they can come up with.

The Sickenator

This monster of a drink was created by Joe and Nic, and I'm pretty sure it lives up to the name. It involves (as I recall) mixing 1/2 bottle of Wild Turkey with 1/4 bottle of tequila. My stomach is frightened...

The Hard Henry

What comes off as probably the most homo-erotic drink on the list, the Hard Henry is also the weakest of the drinks so far. It is a mix of Henry Weinhard's Cream Soda with spiced rum. This was invented in the dorms as a way of drinking without getting an MIP ("But it's a soda pop, officer..."). This was surprisingly effective and surprisingly delicious. Mix about 1 1/2 shots of spiced rum in a bottle of cream soda (drink the first part so you'll have room). To mix, invert the bottle with your thumb over the top, much the same way you would with a Corona and lime.

The Whiskey and Coke Slurpee

The WDR crew is a big fan of the whiskey and coke (or at least the coke), and we also have been known to hit up the 7/11 for some Slurpee goodness. Why not combine the two? That's what we have here. Pretty self-explanatory. I guess it depends on how big a Slurpee you have or how strong you want the drink to be, but my roommate and I tried this with 32 ounce Slurpees and finished most of a bottle of whiskey in it. Great for summertime.

The Evil Robut

This is a drink that doesn't really have a story because I just made it up. Sure, I could have gone for "Zombie" or something like that (it is Halloween), but that's already a drink and I wanted to make fun of the way Joe's Dad says "robot." I also couldn't think of much else. Except for Pumpkin Brains. Hmmm...

Pumpkin Brains

Pumpkin Brains is really a kick in the nuts that your Halloween party is probably lacking (Note: We don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing). Pumpkin Brains is a mix of 2 parts lemon lime Gatorade, 4 parts pulpy orange juice, 1 part tequila and 1 part Bacardi 151. After a couple a couple of these you will probably be making out with the French Maid or Robin, depending. Undoubtedly you'll regret the decision but continue to drink this one anyway.

So that's it for this post. You have any better ideas? I doubt it. But if you do, post 'em. We do love drinking...


Joe Reefer said...

hahahhaha "Robutt"

Oh god, "Joe's Dad is an All American Hero" ... this tag has endless possibilities.

Nic Ouzo said...

You know, "The Hard Henry" does indeed sound pretty gay...and this is coming from a guy who has been known to exclaim "I ENJOY BALLS IN MY MOUTH". Nonetheless, good stuff indeed.

And The Sickenator is not for the faint of heart. It shall be attempted once again in the future.