Still, it gets to me every time when I hear people saying "Dixon is definitely on my Heisman list."
OK, I am a bit biased here, but Dixon is a good QB. But is he Heisman good? Announcers talk about him like that every time he's having a good game. But when things go wrong (see the last two games against Cal) they really go wrong. Then they say "there's no way in hell that he can get a Heisman." Then next week: "Dixon is definitely in line for the Heisman."

Also, speaking of stupid announcers/commentators, what is the deal with FSN? They had some guy on last night that wasn't dumb - he was missing a chromosome. This guy said nothing of any merit. Here's the highlight:
(At Halftime) "You know what I really like to see? Points on the board!"
(After Oregon wins the the game)
Other Commentator: "So, what do you think about this game?"
Idiot: "Well, there were a LOT of points on the board!"
Enough about the points on the board! We've been watching the game, we know that there are points on the said board! Who are you? Why are you allowed on televison? Bah!

OK, rant over.
Dixon is no Harrington. He's good, but inconsistency kills the guy. And credit needs to go to the stable of running backs that leads to 300 yds of rushing a game.
But yeah FSN commentators are awful.
I absolutely agree: The man needs to be more consistent. And the UO rushing game is out of control, but in a good way.
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