It seems that there comes a time when a person is confronted with a question that may or may not have an answer. Sometimes this question challenges ones own beliefs. Sometimes this question really is of no consequence whatsoever.
I asked myself this question last week, and it encompassed all of those attributes. The question: Is Sheryl Crow hot or frightening?
Why did I ask myself this question? It happened as many things do at WDR, and it involved watching music videos at Nic's place. We came upon the video for "If It Makes You Happy," and I was confronted with the question (I was also confronted with the question of "Why does the Christmas tree turn into a stuffed bear and then back into a tree?"). She is in turns hot and really scary in this video, and from the prespective of someone who was pretty drunk and had spent much of the night watching repeats of "Next," this was a logical progression.
Is Sheryl Crow hot? I can't say I really know for sure. Lance Armstrong gave his left nut to be with her, so I guess that she must be (Or did he lose it to cancer before that? I never can remember these things...). Nic claims that she is hot, but certainly not AIDS hot. But one thing is for sure: I thought about the cover of "Our Love to Admire" throughout the whole video. I don't know if that was intentional or not.
Not hot. Her face is creepy. It's angles are too sharp and you can see too many bones in her jaw. Makes her look like a robot or a mannequin or something.
Or as if someone took a worn out coke addict and covered them with so much makeup their skin looked MTV-normal.
The guy living in LA doesn't love cokewhores? What the hell is this world coming to.
Anyways, this video goes to the "frightening" end of the spectrum, but in general, Sheryl Crow is pretty good-looking. This one, they were going for the whole angry-Alanis thing, but I forgive it, because I always loved the riff to this song.
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