I am not a fan of rap. Generally, it just doesn't do it for me. Perhaps it's because I can't relate to a lot of it. Perhaps it's because a lot of it isn't about music and is instead about making money. I don't know, it just doesn't work.
I also dislike self-proclaimed "emo" music. Some of the things I like to listen to could be classified as emo, but that would be making a very broad generalization from people who are stupid. Yes, everybody has emotionally fragile times and has liked someone in high school they could never have. This is fine, but if you're in your late 20s or early 30s, you need to knock that shit off. Seriously. Try making something musically interesting and different instead of droning about some chick who friended you on Myspace but won't talk to you. I may not be the best one to say it, but GROW UP.

So you may be asking, "Why are you talking about two very different musical genres that you don't like?" I bring this up because it appears that the two have merged together into one stupendous crapfest. I refer, of course, to the new 50 Cent record "Curtis." I don't know about anyone else, but this certainly looks like 50 Cent is going for some kind of emo crap. And "Curtis"? Yes, that is his real name. So...50 Cent is going to have some introspective raps about himself? That sounds pretty emo to me. Or maybe there's someone else named Curtis? I don't know, and chances are I'm not going to listen to it, so it doesn't really matter.
Maybe I'm taking this a bit too far. BUT WAIT - there's more! 50 Cent has another album coming out in 2008 called "Before I Self Destruct." I don't think there's any doubt now: 50 Cent is officially the father of the bastard child "Emo Gangsta Rap." God help us all.
It had to happen eventually. It was the next logical step in the rap hybrid.
Rage Against The Machine - Rap with Political Hard Rock
311 - Rap with Party Rock
Linkin Park - Rock/Rap with Emo
and now 50 Cent - Gangsta Emo
... there'e a disturbing downward trend in music here.
311 be rudeboys from Omaha, Nebraska!
Ahh yes, Nic Ouzo, our resident music journalist. He's always ready with witty insight and deep-digging analysis.
Yeah, 311 is pretty awesome.
... This was disturbing on so many levels.
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