Those are the only two possible conclusions. Why do we make such outrageous claims as these? (At least we have no ownership claim of inventing the question mark.) Well, see the facts and we'll let you be the judge.
Yesterday we made a post that somehow tied the LSU-Virginia Tech game to the incredible cinema masterwork House II: The Second Story. Don't ask me how we did it--that's just lazytalk, you can read the post right below and see just how it happened. The important thing is this--it DID happen. Y'all cant deny it, I'm a fuckin' rider, you don't wanna bang with me (yeah), or something to that effect.

What the hell does this have to do with Steven Spielberg? A fair question, though I'm disappointed your parents didn't teach you any fucking manners. Don't use that tone with me young man. Anyways, just a few minutes after I post the previous blog, it appears that the news is that Spielberg has decided on a name for the new Indiana Jones film, and it's completely bongtarded: "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". Of course, my first reaction to this was the same as yours--good Christ, that's incredibly lame. Then my mind started spinning, started doing the old thinking.

There was a goddamn crystal skull in House II. I have no idea what the hell it did, but it seemed like it was pretty damned important to the plot, considering the various demons and Cryptkeepers that kept trying to steal it. It had something to do with something, I'll tell you that much. Whatever, it was a stupid plot device and Zhuang and I had endless fun making fun of its worthlessness. And yet, this is going to now be the goal of the new Indiana Jones flick.
I therefore conclude that Steven either reads our blog, or has the same awful Saturday night habits that Zhuang and I have--which is apparently watching crappy movies on basic cable. The second conclusion is more likely, but I think the first one is the truth. In that case...
Enjoy the blog, Mr. Spielberg! Please buzz if you need anything!
1 comment:
Are you implying that Mr. Spielberg's mind has gone so far that he would seek out my bongtarded ideas for consult?
... if so, touche my friend. Touche.
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