As has been mentioned numerous times in this space, I am unemployed, and as such, I currently have a lot of time on my hands. In between time spent "not doing anything" and "doing nothing", I've been watching movies a lot lately. And doing a lot of drinking. Often at the same time.
See, my grand plan was to split my time in a variety of noble pursuits. Afternoons were for catching up on my reading and nights were to be reserved for films, with writing filling up the spaces between. Well, I've done no reading, and you've seen my writing (eww), but hey, I've seen about 10 movies this week! Give me a goddamn gold star!

As for my alcoholic consumption, I stand by all this drinking if it helps me through these days, and hell, it helps with a lot of movies. And it makes watching "Next" reruns on MTV a helluva lot more enjoyable as well. Seriously, my gaydar ratchets into overdrive watching that show when I'm buzzed, and perfecting my theory that 3 out of every 5 guys on that show clearly buzzes with the fruit flies, and that when they do the gay-themed show, at least 1-2 are clearly just putting on appearances to piss off the family.
Drinking and film came together in a magical way on Sunday night, where Zhuang and I pre-gamed for No Pants Day by doing shots while watching Altered States. Of course, it would have been best to trip balls to this with some psychedelics, but that crackhead in San Francisco stiffed us on the shrooms. So, we made do with Jaeger, Crown Royal, tequila, and lots of beer. A good time was had by all, and we learned many things, like that William Hurt will forever be badass (unlike Joe Reefer). Hell, I might even catch that awful Dane Cook/Kevin Costner suckfest on cable just to see William Hurt go insane as the evil conscience. But there are two things that I'd like to discuss in further detail, beyond the awesomeness of The Hurt, as they were revealed after downing 2/3 of a fifth of tequilla.
1. Fiscal anthropology would be crazy.
2. I'd love to be paid to trip balls.
The first statement comes from Zhuang and me mishearing the statement of profession by the requisite love interest. I insist that this field should indeed exist, as we must explore such concepts as the spending habits of the 1915 streetwalker (was the buffalo nickel the currency of choice for a ZJ?) and what the color of our paper currency says about our sexual preferences. This is the kind of shit that we NEED to spend money on researching!

As for the second statement, this seemed to be an accurate description of William Hurt's job in the movie. The man was paid by Harvard University and its medical school to just do crazy shit, like having fun in isolation chambers and drinking magic jambalaya with Mexican aborigines. I believe that Hurt's position at the school is now unfulfilled, and I would like to submit myself to take over. I have no qualms about hanging out with Native Americans and their various hallucinogens and chilling in glorified swimming tanks. This sounds like my idea of a good time. And oh yeah, I'm sure I could write a paper or two on that crazy shit.
And as long as I get to drink and watch movies.
1 comment:
HEY! I'm a badass... or at least I used to be.
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