So you find yourself in a new apartment. It is a bit of a strange apartment; there isn't a living room. There's a kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom. Your bedroom looks like a cave with a small window in it, located at foot level of the rest of the world. The refrigerator door has no bars to keep condiments from falling out every time you open it, so the fridge looks full. A refrigerator full of condiments and no real food.
But wait - you haven't found yourself in this place, I have. What a strange apartment I now live in.
Also, our neighbor puts signs on her door every day telling people not to knock on her door. I don't know what the deal is or why she changes the signs every day. Very strange.
So that's all there really is to it. I live in a really ghetto apartment (by Eugene standards).
Hehehe, nicely tagged. We'll have to do a series on everywhere we're currently living.
Also, I'd like to note, that while my apartment is also 2-bed,1-bath,1-kitchen... and while the kitchen is in my bedroom... and the bathroom is in my roommate's bedroom..
My apartment rocks the fuck out.
Hey, what does this 'a' tag do?
Apparently 'a' makes everything blue... I don't know why you would want to do this... but just so you know...
A LINK TO NOWHERE... nowhere... nowhere... nowhere
Joe is drunk in the comments section again...
But my place has bats!
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