Ever since we saw Batman Begins a few summers ago, we've been giddy with anticipation for the inevitable sequel. It was basically a perfect storm of our interests: Mr. Zhuang is a pretty big comics-head, while Joe is a superfan of Batman in general, and as for myself, I've been a dedicated follower of Begins director Christopher Nolan for some time now. And when Zhuangy made a post about a year ago with a sneak-peek at the New Joker, well, we were quite pumped.
So you can imagine how excited we were for the opening of The Dark Knight. Not only was it going to live up to the "dark" part of its title (always a good sign), but there was incredible buzz behind Heath Ledger's performance. So Joe and I were all set to head down to Eugene and enjoy the new flick "ensemble", picking up Mr. Zhuang along the way.
And what does the fucker do? He goes and watches the movie without us. At 4 in the afternoon.
Now we would have easily forgiven our friend for this trespass if he had gone in for the midnight sneak preview the night before. But going in the middle of the afternoon? To see freakin' Batman? That simply could not stand. So Mr. Zhuang must pay, even more so since we saw the movie (it was awesome, to say the least). If you see him, hit him with a tire iron or something. We'll pay you back in Jujubes.
Even though I was one of the people Mr. Zhuang saw the movie with, I will be sure to hit him with a tire iron when he gets back from California. Just for fun.
Then a prize of Jujubes will await you the next time we meet.
My head hurts...
Apparently I owe Jujubes to more people.
Honestly, I can't believe that Firefox doesn't think "Jujubes" is a spelling error. This astounds me. Consider me flummoxed.
I'm glad that "mmmm" is not a word, but "Jujubes" is.
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