You may remember a post from way back when in which we informed you that MTV was trying to figure out what the "M" actually stood for in their name. While we never got word about what actually happened during what was sure to have been A Great Meeting of Minds, I can tell you one thing about MTV's identity crisis--the "M" sure as hell doesn't stand for music any more.
Of course, this isn't exactly new info. MTV's downward spiral has been apparent for years to anyone that cared, long before things like "My Super Sweet 16" and "The Hills" managed to depress any American with a sense of morals. But it is in this author's humble opinion that MTV has just reached a new low.
They're doing Spongebob Squarepants reruns now.

Not content to have at least one channel play reruns all day, Viacom has now decided to bestow upon its MTV channel the privilege of airing this show on a nightly basis. This absolutely bongtarded show, in the truest sense of the word. And MTV is playing up this angle, airing ads for this stating that "This is your brain on Spongebob" in a heavy monotone drug-induced voice that is familiar to any viewer of early '90s anti-drug PSA's.
I remember a time when even though MTV didn't play music videos, they'd at least make creative attempts with things like their own animated shows. "Beavis and Butthead" and "Daria" are classics, and I'm sure other people had their favorites. But now, all we get is goddamn Spongebob. Thanks MTV, we really appreciate the effort.
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