Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hump Day Helper -- Zack Attack Edition!

Because it's Wednesday, and we all need a pick-me-up to make it through the rest of the week in our respective hells, WDR is providing some fun.

As we've covered before, we here at WDR are huge fans of Rage Against The Machine. We even went on an epic road trip to bear witness to their reunification. So we were quite pleased to learn that Zack de la Rocha was finally releasing some of the material that he had been "working on" during the Rage hiatus; we were even more pleased to learn that the music didn't suck.

The music would end up taking on the form of "One Day As A Lion", with Zack hooking up with former Mars Volta drummer-extraordinaire Jon Theodore, and they stealthily released an EP just last week. Since I'm all on the up-and-up, I got the one copy that was available at the local store, and have been enjoying it ever since. But then again, I always thought that the Zack part of the Rage equation was a bit undervalued.

Unfortunately, there are no actual videos from the group yet, you can still "watch" the video and enjoy the new music. And you will enjoy it, dammit!

In this era where DJs behave
Be paid to be slaves
We raid airwaves to be sane

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