Now, I'm no man to disrespect the Cap'N, but this is pretty crazy. What are we going to have next? Trix shakes? That Smacks Frog on my cup? Welcome to Cheney's America...
I hope that it doesn't progress that far. Cereal in my milkshakes is where I draw the line. I'm not really sure why this bothers me. I mean, we do put Cap'N Crunch in milk. But with icecream and milk it just seems...wrong.
Oh, and apparently Carl Karcher died. A while ago.I guess I missed this one. I really need a television or something.
Obviously Carl's death is why they were able to get away with this monstrosity.
Also, you know Nic and I are going to get these when I'm back in town. Prepare to be forced to drink milkshake.
[Insert hilarious backwards There Will Be Blood reference]
Oh, I know. That is why this situation is so terrifying.
Nothing will ever touch my Froot Loop donut from the immortal Voodoo Donuts.
As for Cap'n Crunch, I think I've had it once in my life. I have no idea what the hell it is exactly. And you'd think after all these years, the Cap'n would be due for a promotion.
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