I am also known for my ability to find the resemblance between various people. See somebody on TV that seems vaguely familiar, as if you'd seen them before? Talk to me, and I'll tell you that what you just saw was a combination of John Ratzenberger and Harry Dean Stanton. My most famous contribution was identifying the host of a random talk show on Arab TV as the dastardly Saddam Geraldo.
All of this is based on my half-baked theory that God only has a set number of blueprints with people, and so when he's individually making individuals out of Earth Clay®, he has to combine certain sets to create new people. Which of course proves that my final talent is concocting retarded theories.
As proof, I ask, who is who? Dan Abrams, MSNBC host, and the Duke Blue Devil.

For the record, Dan Abrams was a Duke Blue Devil, but it's not intended to be a trick question per se. And for the record, I do realize that this is bongtarded.
I also have a talent for finding resemblances between people, but it's usually between either a)famous people and people I know, or b)people I know from different places (home and school, for example).
Perhaps this talent is genetic.
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