Friday, March 7, 2008

Fiesta Friday: New NIN Edition!

Because Fridays are for parties!

Today we have a very special edition of Fiesta Friday, so I hope y’all enjoy it.

So I’m still excited about the new Nine Inch Nails album Ghosts I-IV, and I decided to put another post up relating to it. Now I know the video above is NOT a new one (Or rather the video that would be up there if YouTube did what it was supposed to (Nic, I might need some help here)), but it relates in that it was made at a time when Trent was going through some changes in regards to record companies. So, there’s the connection.

While I was looking for this video I also stumbled upon some little treats in YouTube form. I found an episode of Hard Copy (You remember Hard Copy?) that features Trent in relation to his first video “Down In It.” The other two videos featured some of the extra footage that was supposed to be on the DVD of “Closure.” Now, my source on this is Wikipedia, so the validity of the story of how this came to be on YouTube may be questionable. Still, it’s some cool footage that, for the most part, wasn’t on the original VHS. Here’s Part 1. Here’s Part 2 (watch for the tribute to Spinal Tap).

So enjoy this fine end to the week and get you party on!

1 comment:

Joe Reefer said...

That Hard Copy video is fantastic. I had forgotten about that show. I love the blatant NIN hatred.

The reenactment scenes are spectacular.