I'm sure our readers wonder what we do on the weekends around here. It's probably a valid question, since we usually take the time off and don't post anything during that time (unless of course, Mr. Zhuang gets some sort of crazy inspiration--or his body is still on China Time). Clearly we must have something much more important to take care of than to satisfy our long-time fans.
Of course, this is often not the case. It's usually just veg-time on the couch, for the most part. It's exceedingly easy to do that during the fall, when there's football to occupy our time (well, except for Joe--he's still boycotting the game until the Rules Committee approves his "style points" idea), not so much during January. Instead, we do things like get angry that we can't go see Kevin Bacon because we no longer attend school.

You may say to yourself, "Kevin Bacon? Who gives a shit?" But you would be wrong my friend, dead wrong. How dare you badmouth the man who was the star of "Tremors"? The man probably has a Graboid in his backyard right now! He helped make "The Air Up There" one of the modern classic of the Sports/Culture Clash genre. The man showed his penis in "Wild Things", dammit! The man deserves our respect. And of course, who could forget his brilliant turn as the lead voice in "Balto"?
All this talk of Balto led us to reminisce about our very own Balto from the Salem area, Representative Billy Dalto. The man has a fantastic homepage that was created on a Mac (so you know it's good), plus a kickass MySpace page that really shows he is down with the youth culture (just check out his tagline! He's up-to-date on what all the YouTube kids are talking about!) Hopefully all this talk of Balto will awaken Joe from his slumber, and he can regale you with the tale of his personal meeting with the Man/Dog himself in the comments.

Having just seen Balto's website, we now know the truth: Balto IS John Belushi (or perhaps Bluto...?). This explain so much...
Now I need an excuse to work my Balto story into the blog somewhere
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