Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hump Day Helper -- Dad Rock Edition

Because it's Wednesday, and we all need a pick-me-up to make it through the rest of the week in our respective hells, WDR is providing some fun.

Last week was Father's Day, and we didn't do anything, because you know, it's Father's Day. Dads don't have time for that crap, none of this touchy-feely shit, and they're sick of your goddamn ties. If you forget to celebrate it, they're not going to go to shit about it. And that's why we love them.

And what better way to celebrate than to choose the ultimate in modern-day "dad-rock", with Wilco. They've got a new album out this week, and that's going to be something I'll have to track down here in Europeville. Even if they've mellowed a bit over the years, I can forgive them for that. It makes memories like Beavis and Butthead going crazy for "Box Full of Letters" that much cooler. I know we've featured these guys before, but somehow that page got lost. As always, I'm going to blame that fuck-up on Joe.

Since it's hard to track down actual videos from Wilco (even the aforementioned "Letters" doesn't easily come up, and I know there's a real video for that), I just decided to throw up a live video. This song is from the underrated Summerteeth album, and it manages the depressing/uplifting contradiction quite well if you ask me. Then again, it doesn't get much catchier than "Baby all I need is a shot in the arm..."

Something in my veins, bloodier than blood...

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