Just a few days ago, this humble author was walking around in a mood that Downward Spiral-era Trent Reznor would have been wary of. "Yeah, I created the most depressing album ever, but I wouldn't want to be that low" would be a good approximation of his probable reaction. I mean, I was so down that I was using Elliott Smith to try and cheer up. But here we are, seven days later, and I'm so goddamn giddy that I'm making nonsensical musical analogies in a flailing attempt at humor. In other words, we're pretty much back to normal around here.
I had the one-two stomach-punch combo of LSU losing in heart-breaking fashion to Ar-Kansas and the dread of the upcoming LSAT examination to deal with. When my mind wasn't busy trying to find the fallacy of (purposefully) shittily written arguments about the potential economic feasibility of niobium/germanium superconductors or figuring out which goddamn fruit went into which basket*, it was off pondering what could have been for my beloved Tigers. During a period in which I was struggling to find a job, attempting once again to face my failure and attempt to get into law school again, and being devoid of nearly all human contact, at least I had my Tigers to look forward to each weekend. More so than any other year, I had become attached to this team (it certainly helped that I didn't have "commitments" occupying my precious time, like the (apparently) worthless pursuit of an education).

So I was preparing to write a short essay on all the various things that made this loss harder to take than any other that I could remember--the timing of it, which would deny us the opportunity to play for the championship, or the way we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory (4th and 10!!! We had them!). But then Saturday happened. I was up early, taking the aforementioned LSAT and doing a generally decent job--the verdict will come in a few weeks, but I wasn't in the most confident of moods afterwards (a week of several difficult practice tests will do a lot to put doubt in one's mind). After dealing with several delays at the testing center, I got home around the start of the second quarter, and settled in for the game. It was up-and-down for the Tigers, but in the end they pulled it out when it truly mattered.
I was ready to just settle in for the rest of the day and relax--without the LSAT weighing on my mind, I was free to just chill and watch football all day. I was just happy that LSU didn't blow it and was going to be in the Sugar Bowl, not thinking about anything beyond that. But then the unthinkable began happening. Pitt got a lead against West Virginia, and despite several attempts by the refs to screw them over, they held on despite having been 28 point underdogs. Then number 1 Missouri got their asses handed to them by Oklahoma, and all the pieces had fallen into place for LSU to pull off what was unthinkable, even just a week ago.

I had to wait until Sunday to find out LSU's fate. However, it seemed like I was going to get screwed once again. The power went out at my house early in the afternoon, so it looked like I was going to be shit out of luck in finding out where LSU ended up. I had to figure out a way to find out, and resolved to drive to a sports bar. However, I was foiled by an un-openable garage door, since I could not find a handle to pull it up manually (I was later informed much later that, hey, dingus, use the damn rope in the middle to pull it up). I was then about to text Joe Reefer to overcome his intense hatred of all things college football to do me the favor of watching the selection show for me, but lo and behold, the power came back on a mere ten minutes before the show began.
My good luck didn't stop there, as everyone knows--LSU found a back-asswards way to get into the National Championship game. And you know what, I'M SO GODDAMN HAPPY RIGHT NOW. I guess this kind of sums up my mood:
Hell, instead of considering canceling my LSAT score, with the way my luck has been going, I'm pretty goddamn sure I got a near-perfect score. I'm downright giddy.
*once again, actual LSAT problems dealt with this
Thanks for the heads up on that one. I couldn't remember what it was exactly, considering it was one tiny detail on one question on a test I took three days ago, but I appreciate it nonetheless (plus, I was too lazy to look it up).
It shall be corrected.
Your weekend closed better than mine did. My team lost, I have projects to finish and I just got sick.
That video made me feel a bit better. I suggest watching it after having some Nyquil. Holy SHIT...
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