Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Hump Day Helper--Morphing Is Cool Edition

Because it's Wednesday, and we all need a pick-me-up to make it through the rest of the week in our respective hells, WDR is providing some fun.

Today we begin a look back at the year in music. All December we're going to be using the Hump Day Helper to highlight some of the best albums from 2007, especially the ones that may have been overlooked or misjudged.

And today's selection is from a band whose album I believe was really misjudged. Bloc Party burst onto the scene with their stellar debut, Silent Alarm which brought an edge to the New Wave Revival movement. They followed up with A Weekend In The City, which though showed a more polished side to the group, didn't get the same rave reviews as their previous album. But those people are asshats. It's a bitchin' album. "The Prayer" has a great stompin' beat and an excellent noise-guitar solo, as it tells a story that we're all familiar with--praying to our drugs to make this one bitchin' party.

Is it so wrong to crave recognition...

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