Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Hump Day Helper -- The Most Depressing Time Of The Year

Because it's Wednesday, and we all need a pick-me-up to make it through the rest of the week in our respective hells, WDR is providing some fun.

It's the Holidays, and often this is the time of year where we're searching for the gardenhose and connecting it to our respective tailpipes. Most people find themselves dealing with obnoxious relatives, annoying-to-the-nth-degree Christmas carols, and the hell that is shopping. And let's face it, most of the time, Christmas itself was a disappointment--you never got that awesome Transformer robot that you wanted, or that sick new Mortal Kombat. No, you were stuck with some goofy Hot Wheel and freaking Mario's Time Machine.

And even if your Christmas was great, you still have to deal with the fact that the next day, it's all over. No more good times. So no matter how you cut it, you're in for a down time this holiday season. Which seems as good a time as any to include the most somber of all the "Best of 2007" selections, in which the Editors tell us that the saddest thing that I've ever seen was indeed "Smokers Outside The Hospital Doors". And yes, we do realize they sound like a way-British version of Interpol. Shut it, because it's still good.

So the hell with lifting up your spirits on this Hump Day; for once we will allow you to wallow in the misery.

Someone turn me around
Can I start this again?...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Greece, they smoke INSIDE the hospitals. And not just patrons, but doctors and nurses too.