Ed McMahon raps
You heard me right: Ed McMahon is now rapping. He's wearing gold chains. He's got hoes. He's back on top ... sort of.
The sad part of this is that Ed McMahon is doing this for FreeCreditReport.com. This, of course, stemmed from his recent financial woes. But I was hoping for full on videos with Ed and, I dunno, DMX? That would be quite the show, don't you think?
And this got me: "I knew I could sing the blues, but I didn't know I could rap." Where is this Ed McMahon blues album? I would like to hear this. I think the WHOLE WORLD would like to hear this.
If you're reading this, Ed, get in contact with me. There are a lot of unanswered questions.
I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to make people visit the link to see that wonderful picture, so I posted it there.
Yeah; I was hoping to fins one without the "FreeCreditReport.com" thing at the bottom. I was obviously unsuccessful.
By the way, this was th high point of my day. That is, until I get blackout drunk tonight.
And OH SHIT - OSU won!
As you know, I hate USC football
So I am quite delighted right now.
Thanks Joe, for working your black magic on your school!
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