As Zhuang-o mentioned in his post, I'm spending the summer doing the whole Europe thing. Granted, I'll be doing a lot of work for my fancy-pants internship in the Netherlands, but there will be lots of traveling and and general no-goodery on the weekends. As Zhuang said, we may find that my summer ends up looking like the one good scene from Rules of Attraction.

I apologize for taking so long to write this post, but it's been a bitch getting internet wherever I'm staying. And I'm not going to risk alienating my employers by spending my work hours finding inappropriate pictures for this series. But lo and behold, the two weeks between my touchdown here in Holland and today I've had a wealth of stories suitable for mass consumption through this here blog. You'll hear about the strange cuisine available (Bacardi and Cola pre-mixed!), the strangeness of television here (late-night text-sex commercials!), and the stupidity of the Flemish language, among other things. It's going to fucking rock.
I've been knocking around ideas about using a "Freaky-Deaky" scale to document my experiences. Yes, Holland is just about as weird as you could imagine, so the scale is apropos. I'm just not sure what the measure should be--Gouda slices? Van Nistlerooys? Bacardi Colas? If you have an idea, mention it in the comments.
Just text-sex commercials? Really? That's it? When I was there, I was happily watching what appeared to be the National Geographic Channel, except sort of like an NBC type channel since there were approximately 4 channels on that tv. Then at 10 PM, BOOM, hardcore porn masquerading as some variety show about LA. Well, about sex in LA, but still.
In defense of... well, Europe I suppose (?)... that's pretty much what LA is.
I mean, I was working in the lab the other day, and then sure enough 10PM rolled around BOOM, hardcore porn.
They don't call it the 'City of Angels' for nothing... actually, I have no idea why they still call it that. This place is a hellhole.
Well, SMS commercials. Pics, videos, etc. I never said anything about HOW they were advertising this service, either--it's just more fun to say text-sex. Let's say you wouldn't be disappointed, Marianna.
And Joe's right--when I was in LA for a week, I ended up in 114 "films I'm not proud of", and only 2 of those were Jerry Bruckheimer movies.
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