Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hump Day Helper -- There's No Fighting In The War Room Edition

Because it's Wednesday, and we all need a pick-me-up to make it through the rest of the week in our respective hells, WDR is providing some fun.

Let's face it, this year has been kind of a mediocre year for music. I know we say that every year, but there's just been so many somewhat-solid-but-not-great releases that it's beginning to wear on me. Initially I felt that Tokyo Police Club's followup to their debut EP was one of these disappointing albums, but lately I've been popping it in to take a listen pretty often. While Elephant Shell still doesn't have the same energy and spirit as A Lesson In Crime, it's still a pleasant enough distraction from my day.

While "Your English Is Good" might get your blood pumping, this is the better video. I think the gimmick is brilliant, and it's good to see a band make some effort in a video these days. And for once we can thank MTV2 for showing this at least a couple of times on "Subterranean", or else I never would have been aware of its existence.

Dead lovers salivate
Broken hearts tessellate tonight...


Joe Reefer said...

I disagree that this has been a disappointing year for music on the sole grounds that it saw the release of Flobots - Fight With Tools, which is the closest - and arguably better - thing we'll get to a Rage Against the Machine release during the Bush era.

That album's near-perfection redeems an otherwise wasted year.

Nic Ouzo said...

Holy shit, you're still alive! And you randomly read the blog!

Now that I've finished with my immense surprise, I think you can't say a year is saved by a single release, regardless of what it was. I think we should fully discuss this in a year-end review, but there were some releases that met expectations--Gnarls Barkley's new album was awesome, as was the Walkmen's. I also thought that British Sea Power and the Black Keys released great albums as well. But overall, it's been kind of mediocre.

Oh, and because I want to act like a smug hipster asshole, I'll just say that the Platypus EP was better than Fight With Tools.

Joe Reefer said...

Musically, Platypus was certainly better than Fight with Tools, but I'd say Fight with Tools is better lyrically - not to say that Platypus isn't good lyrically, but Fight with Tools manages to put some impressive content into its songs while still retaining the mix of anger and uplift that Platypus also contains.

Either way, I just pointed out that album because it came out this year.