Absolutely nothing.
At least from anything that you would actually play in your "Awesome 80's" weekend. You're not playing The Replacements, or Jesus and Mary Chain, or early Pixies or late Joy Division.
So, never use those two concepts in the same sentence ever again.
I mean, do you fucking remember the 80's? And no, cocaine nightmares don't count.

Concerned Listeners of America
There was actually a lot of good stuff in the 80s, but none of it gets played on those stations. Not that the 80s were the greatest years for music (far from it) but there were some high point. May I also add Nine Inch Nails, Soundgarden and the Clash put out material in this decade.
I'm pretty sure this was implied in my "At least from anything that you would actually play" paragraph, Admiral Asshat.
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