Because it's Wednesday, and we all need a pick-me-up to make it through the rest of the week in our respective hells, WDR is providing some fun.
I can think of a million reasons to hate Vampire Weekend. They look like the SAE douchebags that I would encounter on a daily basis. Their music is ridiculously twee and hipster-riffic. These fuckers probably wear boat shoes.
Yet I enjoyed the hell out of their debut album. It was perfect summer music, and their new album, Contra, is probably more of the same. That said, for some reason their label thinks it's a great idea to release their record in the middle of the fucking winter, even though it's a band that I haven't listened to since August. And people wonder why the record industry is failing.
This is their latest single, "Cousins." To tell you the truth, I absolutely hated this song the first time I heard it, but I've grown to appreciate its idiosyncrasies, from the driving snare roll to the stupid tremolo picked guitar lines. It also helps that they made a nifty little video, with some great scenes, especailly one verse where they act out the lyrics.
Caught in the melody
You wait in the car
You were born with ten fingers and you're gonna use them all...
Good day, sun shines!
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