Saturday, December 19, 2009

WDR's New Look!


The Wayne Diego Report has a new look! We even have a picture of Mr. Diego himself gracing the blog! What fun!

Do you like it? Think it sucks? Don't know why you're here? Are you looking for Ronnie Coleman pictures and/or tentacle rape porn? Whatever the case may be, leave a comment to let us know what you think!


Nic Ouzo said...

This is pleasant. We needed a change for a while, I might do some fiddling. Oh yeah, this is much better than whatever theme was there earlier today.

Mr. Zhuang said...

I worked on a few themes and I liked this one the best, though I wish it utilized the white space better.

Joe Reefer said...

I don't like it. It's not wasting nearly as much space as the old layout, and there isn't a random distracting design for no apparent reason. Makes it look too much like a blog that might have some idea what's going on. I disagree with these things.

Average Joe said...

Too much white space!!!

Nic Ouzo said...

If we adjust the Wayne photo, and then put up a new post that doesn't use a photo for 75% of its content, it will look much better.

Mr. Zhuang said...

Hey, at least I'm posting things!

Nic Ouzo said...