WDR New Year's VIDEO Extravaganza!
Yes, it's that time again: Time to get drunk and stay up late WITH A PURPOSE! Then there's the next few weeks of writing the wrong date on your checks and feeling a little bit older. (Wait, I was in high school ten years ago?!)
There's also the tradition (for some) of making New Year's resolutions. I have not done this, mostly because no one keeps their resolutions, anyway. Also, why should you only make resolutions to change your life ONLY on New Year's. Why not do this when it seems best to do so? I've never really understood this. I guess that's why I picked the song above for New Year's. I think we can all agree that this is a great song. Also, I love the bottle that Eddie wields at the beginning of this video. I like the cut of his jib, that guy.
This New Year's, though, I think that the WDR crew should make a resolution to make more posts here. This year we had a considerable amount fewer posts than in previous years, so we should try to make up for it. Also, as the only member of the group who will not be at the WDR End of Year Extravaganza at Casa de Ouzo, I thought I might as well post something about New Year's here. Get drunk and kill a pinata, guys!
Also, I say, why not have a special video section for the New Year? Glad you agree. So here are some videos that have something to do with the past year. Hope you enjoy the list
Best Christopher Walken Moment
This video got Lady Gaga stuck in my head for days, but it was still worth it.
Best Song Clip Without Music
OK, so this isn't a song from the last year, but I heard this in 2009. Not a lot to see video-wise, but the audio is fantastic. David Lee Roth is hilarious.
On a side note, I had a dream recently that my parents moved into a new house and David Lee Roth was our neighbor. Some film crew was over at his house and he was doing some sort of "Cribs"-esque show for his house. My cat runs into his yard and he starts telling the film crew that the cat is his. This was bullshit and I confronted Roth about it and he just wanted me to "play it cool" and let him pretend that the cat was his. The argument continued until I woke up. I have no idea what that dream meant.
The Best Video You'll See of a Guy Getting Hit in the Face With a Cookie Sheet
I actually took this from Deadspin's 2009 coverage, but it makes me laugh every time. The Backstory: The editor of Deadspin.com bet the founder that the Philadelphia Eagles would beat the Arizona Cardinals last season. He lost, and one of the things he had to do was take a cookie sheet to the face. I've added a link here because I couldn't find the thing on YouTube. Enjoy.
The Best Frank Moment from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"
The picture goes in reverse for the second section of this, but that doesn't really matter. Frank is "The Trash Man"! The part of him at the beginning of the clip is great, too.
The Best Drunken History
All of these are good and I hope they make more of them. The idea is simple: Get someone drunk and have them explain a historical event. Then, have some actors act it out. My favorite was Alexander Hamilton, but they are all fantastic.
And that's the little bit of effort I'm going to put into something today that doesn't involve drinking. So happy New Year's to all of you out there. Drink, but don't drive, lest you get fucked by the police.(If college bowl week has taught me anything, it's that.) Also, in case you didn't know, the Manhattan Bridge in New York opened 100 years ago today. So ... that's cause for celebration too, right? Me, I'm going to start off the New Year hung over and watching the Rose Bowl. Go Ducks!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Hump Day Helper--Mr. Festive Edition
Because it's Wednesday, and we all need a pick-me-up to make it through the rest of the week in our respective hells, WDR is providing some fun.
People love to bitch about holiday music, but frankly I've never had that much of a problem with it. Granted, I do my part to avoid maximum exposure--I avoid working (thank god for grad school!), plus when I go to the grocery store I usually listen to my iPod. This leaves only my weekly dinner at the sushi restaurant where I can potentially get that shot of holiday cheer. Then again, Christmas music sometimes proves to be a better alternative than the usual Japanese covers of Mariah Carey songs.
Of course, it doesn't help that there are few new cool Christmas songs each year. But leave it to the guys from My Morning Jacket to fill the void. Hell, this track wasn't even a special holiday single, but one of the tracks from their album At Dawn. And because of that, we get a song that actually tries to be decent.
Here's the OKONOKOS live version, courtesy of some charitable soul who's decided to upload the entirety of the DVD onto YouTube. Enjoy the soaring guitar riffs the way it was meant to be enjoyed. God bless you, "maiconfire".
We're criminals that never break the law!
People love to bitch about holiday music, but frankly I've never had that much of a problem with it. Granted, I do my part to avoid maximum exposure--I avoid working (thank god for grad school!), plus when I go to the grocery store I usually listen to my iPod. This leaves only my weekly dinner at the sushi restaurant where I can potentially get that shot of holiday cheer. Then again, Christmas music sometimes proves to be a better alternative than the usual Japanese covers of Mariah Carey songs.
Of course, it doesn't help that there are few new cool Christmas songs each year. But leave it to the guys from My Morning Jacket to fill the void. Hell, this track wasn't even a special holiday single, but one of the tracks from their album At Dawn. And because of that, we get a song that actually tries to be decent.
Here's the OKONOKOS live version, courtesy of some charitable soul who's decided to upload the entirety of the DVD onto YouTube. Enjoy the soaring guitar riffs the way it was meant to be enjoyed. God bless you, "maiconfire".
We're criminals that never break the law!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monkey Gone To Heaven

Since the beginning of time man has yearned to destroy the sun...and explore the cosmos I guess. You combine that with politicians who love to rally people behind pointless crap, and you get things such as the great Space Race. Of course, landing on the moon is how we avenged Kennedy's death and ended the Cold War in 1969, so there may be something to said for space travel.
Now we need to prepare ourselves for Space Race 2: The Race for Mars (the subtitle "Return of Jafar" didn't do well in the focus groups). We all remember Dubya making some proclamation that we're going to make it to Mars some time in the distant near future, and now it looks like the Russians are responding. They just recently announced that they're going to be attempting a precursor to a manned mission, and sending a monkey to the red planet. Big whoop, right? I thought so as well, until I read the last paragraph.
The Institute said a robot would accompany the first primate to Mars to feed and look after the ape.
Mr Mikvabia said: "The robot will feed the monkey, will clean up after it. Our task will be to teach the monkey to co-operate with the robot."
I smell a sitcom!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
WDR's New Look!
The Wayne Diego Report has a new look! We even have a picture of Mr. Diego himself gracing the blog! What fun!
Do you like it? Think it sucks? Don't know why you're here? Are you looking for Ronnie Coleman pictures and/or tentacle rape porn? Whatever the case may be, leave a comment to let us know what you think!
The Wayne Diego Report has a new look! We even have a picture of Mr. Diego himself gracing the blog! What fun!
Do you like it? Think it sucks? Don't know why you're here? Are you looking for Ronnie Coleman pictures and/or tentacle rape porn? Whatever the case may be, leave a comment to let us know what you think!
Friday, December 18, 2009
New York I Love You But You're Creeping Me Out
Living in New York City, Part I.
I've now been living in New York for two months. In that time I've learned a few things about the city. Here are a few of my observations:
Cab drivers are insane. It really shouldn't come as a surprise, but cab drivers, in general, are fucking nuts. I guess I could say this about driver in general, but since most of the cars on the road here are cabs, so, that's that. The first time I was in a cab here I was pretty sure that I would die in that cab. And yet I have never seen any accidents here. Insanity, I say.
There are pizza places EVERYWHERE. Just for shits, go to google maps and search "pizza places new york, ny" and look at the results. And that's just what Google shows you initially. There's a pizza place somewhere in the building I work in and there are five more within a block of it. I've almost gotten tired of pizza. Almost.
Everything is more expensive here. Everyone knows that it is expensive to live in New York, but even the Top Ramen costs more here than I'm used to. Fucking RAMEN.
Pigeons. I've never been in a place where there were this many damn pigeons. I knew the name "rats with wings" and I've come to the conclusion that this is really an insult to rats. I see plenty of both, but I've never had a rat pester me or try to fly into my face. Rats tend to keep to themselves and scurry around the subways. I'm cool with the rats but FUCK PIGEONS.
There are celebrities here. Now, I've only seen one celebrity on the street ("Hornburger!") but I understand that there are more. They probably just don't frequent the same places I do, like "Little Poland" and NoHo.
The tree at Rockefeller Center is not nearly as big as it seems on TV. At least not this year. Biggest disappointment.
There IS decent beer out here. It doesn't compare to Oregon, but there is some pretty good stuff out here. Best IPA I've had since I got out here is a beer out of Chicago called "Goose Island." I recommend it.
And that's all for now. Next time I'll delve into other sides of New York: Living in a warehouse, secret sex parties (see Eyes Wide Shut) and VIP shindigs.
I've now been living in New York for two months. In that time I've learned a few things about the city. Here are a few of my observations:
Cab drivers are insane. It really shouldn't come as a surprise, but cab drivers, in general, are fucking nuts. I guess I could say this about driver in general, but since most of the cars on the road here are cabs, so, that's that. The first time I was in a cab here I was pretty sure that I would die in that cab. And yet I have never seen any accidents here. Insanity, I say.
There are pizza places EVERYWHERE. Just for shits, go to google maps and search "pizza places new york, ny" and look at the results. And that's just what Google shows you initially. There's a pizza place somewhere in the building I work in and there are five more within a block of it. I've almost gotten tired of pizza. Almost.
Everything is more expensive here. Everyone knows that it is expensive to live in New York, but even the Top Ramen costs more here than I'm used to. Fucking RAMEN.
Pigeons. I've never been in a place where there were this many damn pigeons. I knew the name "rats with wings" and I've come to the conclusion that this is really an insult to rats. I see plenty of both, but I've never had a rat pester me or try to fly into my face. Rats tend to keep to themselves and scurry around the subways. I'm cool with the rats but FUCK PIGEONS.
There are celebrities here. Now, I've only seen one celebrity on the street ("Hornburger!") but I understand that there are more. They probably just don't frequent the same places I do, like "Little Poland" and NoHo.
The tree at Rockefeller Center is not nearly as big as it seems on TV. At least not this year. Biggest disappointment.
There IS decent beer out here. It doesn't compare to Oregon, but there is some pretty good stuff out here. Best IPA I've had since I got out here is a beer out of Chicago called "Goose Island." I recommend it.
And that's all for now. Next time I'll delve into other sides of New York: Living in a warehouse, secret sex parties (see Eyes Wide Shut) and VIP shindigs.
WDR comes back for Christmas cheer!
Hip hip, HOORAY!
So I was sitting in the office at work and the radio was on. Usually this means that the alternative rock station is on and there's something decent and the artists are always changing. It boasts being the only "new rock" station in town, though I can count on my hand the truly "new" songs I've heard on this thing. But that's not a problem.
Anyway, the day is going normally. The station starts playing "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers and my boss FUCKING CHANGES THE STATION. And not to something good. No. She changed it to Z100.

Now, I haven't heard an extended amount of Z100 programming for quite some time. I forgot that Z100 doesn't really play more than 30 songs. By 30 I'm being generous. In two hours I heard three songs twice. Note that this also included commercials. I've never been good at math, but the fact that songs repeated that much was insane. I heard the same damn Lady GaGa song FIVE FUCKING TIMES. And that was when I left work early.
As I'm new to the office, I was not one to start shouting profanities when this happened. But fucking hell, Z100 is damn awful. On the other hand, I managed to get a ton of work done because I just wanted to get the fuck out of there. Temporary productivity at the price of sanity? My guess is that there are more interns where I came from. Maybe it's all part of the plan.
But now I'm out of the office until January, so maybe, JUST MAYBE, there will be some more posts here. Maybe? I know that Joe and Nic are on vacation, so they might even post something, too. That would be nice wouldn't it? Yes it would.
So I was sitting in the office at work and the radio was on. Usually this means that the alternative rock station is on and there's something decent and the artists are always changing. It boasts being the only "new rock" station in town, though I can count on my hand the truly "new" songs I've heard on this thing. But that's not a problem.
Anyway, the day is going normally. The station starts playing "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers and my boss FUCKING CHANGES THE STATION. And not to something good. No. She changed it to Z100.

Now, I haven't heard an extended amount of Z100 programming for quite some time. I forgot that Z100 doesn't really play more than 30 songs. By 30 I'm being generous. In two hours I heard three songs twice. Note that this also included commercials. I've never been good at math, but the fact that songs repeated that much was insane. I heard the same damn Lady GaGa song FIVE FUCKING TIMES. And that was when I left work early.
As I'm new to the office, I was not one to start shouting profanities when this happened. But fucking hell, Z100 is damn awful. On the other hand, I managed to get a ton of work done because I just wanted to get the fuck out of there. Temporary productivity at the price of sanity? My guess is that there are more interns where I came from. Maybe it's all part of the plan.
But now I'm out of the office until January, so maybe, JUST MAYBE, there will be some more posts here. Maybe? I know that Joe and Nic are on vacation, so they might even post something, too. That would be nice wouldn't it? Yes it would.
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