Sunday, February 8, 2009

Radiohead Takes Their Name Perhaps Too Literally

Everyone knows the Grammys are a joke of an awards show, but sometimes there are performances that make the evening worthwhile. Not worthwhile enough for me to actually watch the show live, but worthwhile enough that I'll check out clips on the Youtubes. One such example is the live performance of Radiohead (well, at least Thom and Johnny) doing "15 Step" with the USC Marching Band. Granted, I hate all things USC (yes, including you, Mr. Reefer), but I have to say that it was a pretty sweet performance, even including Thom's strangely involved rock-star moves (has he moved beyond the "Idioteque" spaz-attack? Let's hope not).

However, what may have been cooler is that from watching that clip I got a link to another video, which is the semi-official version of the "15 Step" music video. I believe the other members of the WDR crew would approve.

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