Monday, February 9, 2009

The Grammys and some other music nonsense

I must agree with Nic's previous post about the Grammys. I did not watch the show as such, but I was interested in the performances. In fact, I even went so far as to read a piece by Entertainment Weekly about the "Best and Worst" Grammy performances. The only problem was this: I wanted there to be some horrific performance that I could watch in addition to the greats. That's what I assumed when they had a "best and worst" list. But I was wrong. The lowest score given to a performance: B-. Highest: A+. You can't have a best-of list when almost all the performances are on the Grammy honor roll! Someone needs to get an F! How the hell did they curve this thing?! There is no "worst" when they're all rated as good. They should have called it "The most awesome Grammys ever because every performance kicked ass" list. I call bullshit.

Also, I wanted to make a little statement about the band Theory of a Deadman. Now, having just mentioned that you're probably saying to yourself, "That band has been around forever. Why talk about them now?" or "Who the fuck are those guys?" If you asked the latter, consider yourself one of the lucky ones. They have been around for a while. Too long, in my opinion. There's three things you need to know about this band:

1: They're terrible.

What makes them terrible? They sound like they're trying to be Nickelback and failing. For the record, this should be proof that failing to fail does not make you successful. This band is a pile of failure in a sadness bowl. Unfortunately for us, that is a special kind of emo-metal sadness that some dipshits are paying money to listen to. And then it gets on the radio. And I get angry. And then people die.

2: Their name makes no sense.

This happens to a lot of bands, but it's especially irritating when it's a band that sucks. What the hell is a theory of a dead man and why do we care? It's not like Better Than Ezra, a band who doesn't have a reason for their name, but they kick ass anyway. And, considering that they are Better Than Ezra, perhaps Ezra isn't too bad either. Someone should investigate this.

Also, why is the name a compound word?

3: They are terrible.

I know this was the first point and it shouldn't really count as a third, but I cannot stress this enough. These guys are a bunch of fucking wankers. Though they aren't quite as offensive to me as Plain White Ts or Fallout Boy. But they are pretty damn awful. Again, they tried to be Nickelback AND FAILED.

That's all for now.

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