You would be that negative. But no - even in this economy I can safely say that no one at WDR has been laid off or has had to take a pay cut. We achieved this by having low overhead costs and not actually paying anyone.

Yes, times have been hard, especially without the Hump Day Helper to get you through your work (or, perhaps now, lack thereof) week or the occasional randomness of Joe's epic blogs. We're living in a time when the internet will probably self-destruct, the oceans are full of plastic, Arlen Spector is now a democrat and we're all washing our hands like Monk to avoid getting something called "Swine Flu." We need something fun to bring us out of the funk we're in nationally (and when I say funk I don't mean the kind with George Clinton). So I propose the epic return of WDR! A place where you can get away from it all - or atl least laugh at it.
Who's with me?
I'm with you. I'll make sure to postpone more studying to go through those updates I had been planning to do.
watch out, the internet gives you swine flu
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